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No homeowner fancies making regular air conditioner repair calls all the time. It is not only expensive, but also, the inconvenience of your air conditioner breaking down in the middle of a hot summer night, isn’t inspiring at all. But the good news is that frequent service calls can be avoided by taking good care of the unit. Here are some tips you can use to ensure you make the least number of calls to your air conditioner repair technician:

Change filters regularly

It is recommended that the air conditioner filters should be changed after every six weeks. Dirty filters usually clog the units, making them work harder and increasing the chances of a break down in the meantime.

Seal all the cooling ducts in the attic

The reason why you ought to seal your cooling duct in the attic, is so that you improve the airflow within the unit and increase the efficiency of the air conditioner. Unsealed ductworks will lower the effectiveness of the unit, and make it work harder to achieve optimal cooling, and with this comes increased chances of a breakdown and the need to call for air conditioner repair services.

Switch off exhaust fans

Once you are done using the units in the kitchen and bathroom or any other room you aren’t currently using actively, it is recommended to switch off the exhaust fans, since leaving them on will do nothing but blow away the already cooled air outside.

Regular expert maintenance

Don’t be like the majority of homeowners who only think about air conditioner repair and maintenance services when winter is beckoning. If you make it a habit of calling for regular maintenance services, then your unit will always be in great shape, and you won’t have to worry about making regular calls due to unexpected breakdowns.

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